In this article, we will go through how we can create a Leave Policy
Instructions for creating a new Leave Policy
Here is a step-by-step guide
Step 1: Go to + create policy tab.
Step 2: Naming the policy and choosing the leave type.
Step 3: Choosing the accrual method and accrual period
Step 4: Setting leave application constraints
Step 5: Confirming the details
Step 1: Go to + create policy tab
From the Dashboard, click on the Leave dropdown
Go to the Policies tab from the Leave dropdown
Click on the + Create Policy button to start creating a new policy.
Step 2: Naming the policy and choosing the leave type.
We start creating the policy by:
entering the Name of the policy.
A description explaining the policy on whom it applies and what it means.
Choose a Leave Type: Choosing a leave type is important because few leave points may have different customizable options.
Effective Date: The date from which the policy starts accumulating leaves in case of the absence of a waiting period.
Are the leaves Encashable: An optional feature, in case the leaves can be encashed into money.
Step 3: Choosing the accrual method and accrual period
In Is Accrual Fixed: we decide whether a fixed amount of leaves are added in every certain period of time.
Accrual Method: helps us decide at what point of the period the leaves get credited in the balances
Total per year: is the number of leaves allotted per year for the employee.
Accrual Period: This is the duration in which the leaves get added to the leave balance.
Is Accrual at beginning: Decides whether the accrual happens at the beginning or the end of the period
Is Accrual reset: Decides whether the accrual resets at the end of every year.
Waiting Period Unit: the period after which leaves are credited to a new employee
Max. carry days: Maximum number of leaves which can be carried to the next Accrual Period
Max. Balance Days: The maximum balance leaves which can be in the Balance at any point in time
Is DOJ considered: decides whether the DOJ is considered to give leaves on a pro-rata basis.
Step 4: Setting leave application constraints
Apply before days: Gives the minimum number of days before which the leave request has to be applied.
Maximum Consecutive Leaves: The maximum number of consecutive days for which the leave can be applied
Is holiday excluded from leave count: If Yes, If any company holidays fall between leave apply days, they will be excluded from the leave count
Is weekend excluded from leave count: If Yes, If any weekends (as defined in attendance policy) fall between leave apply days, they will be excluded from the leave count
Are half Days allowed: If allowed, half days wouldn't be counted as leave.
Are Quarter Days Allowed: If allowed, quarter days wouldn't be counted as leave.
Negative Balance Allowed: If yes, the leave balance can be negative but will be compensated through the Leave Accrual.
This Leave cannot be applied together with: Depending on the leave types chosen, these leaves cannot be requested consecutively.
Step 5: Confirming the details
Check Thoroughly through the Summary, and use the go back option to edit any details
use the Create option to create the leave policy
Now the policy has been created and you can now assign employees to that policy