In this article, we discuss how we can edit the Email Notification Setting and go through the different terminologies by following a step-by-step guide.
Instructions to edit the Email Notification Settings
Here a step-by-step guide.
Step 1: Go to the notifications tab.
From the Dashboard, use the Company dropdown from the left navigation bar.
Choose the Notifications option from the Company dropdown.
Step 2: Use the Email Notification Settings option
Step 3: Configuring the appropriate settings
BirthdaySettings: By toggling off the option you will not receive any birthday notifications
Leave Settings: By toggling off the option you will not receive any Leave notifications
Leave Requested: You will receive a mail every time a Leave is requested
You can further configure who all receive the mail by choosing the recipients while the option is turned on.
Leave Status Changes: You will receive a mail whenever the leave status changes (approved/ rejected)
You can further configure who all receive the mail by choosing the recipients while the option is turned on.
AttendanceSettings: By toggling off the option you will not receive any Attendance notifications
Attendance Absence Reminder: In the absence of Clock in, a remainder mail is sent with the details of all the previous skips and you will be asked to either regularise it or apply for leave to avoid a cut in pay.
You can further configure who all receive the mail by choosing the recipients while the option is turned on.
RequestSettings: By toggling off the option you will not receive any Request notifications
Request Created: An Email notification is sent whenever a request is created.
You can further configure who all receive the mail by choosing the recipients while the option is turned on.
Request Status Changes: An Email notification is sent whenever there is a change in the request's status.
You can further configure who all receive the mail by choosing the recipients while the option is turned on.