In this article, we will go through the steps on how an employee can claim reimbursements.
Here is a step-by-step guide.
Step 1: Go to your profile.
Step 2: Go to the Claims tab and enter reimbursement details.
Step 1: Go to your profile.
Click on the dropdown in the top right corner.
Click on Profile.
Step 2: Go to the Claims tab and enter reimbursement details.
Go to the Claims tab.
Click on Claim Reimbursement.
Select the type of reimbursement from the dropdown.
Select the Bill Date.
Enter the Amount.
You may drag and drop the receipt or you may click on Select a file from your device to import a file from your laptop/phone.
You may click on Add other details to add a Reference number, Merchant Name, and Description.
Click on Submit Reimbursement Claim after you have entered all the details.
You may refer to our article on how you may view the status of your reimbursement claim here.