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Selfie attendance policy
As an admin, how can I edit an existing attendance policy to include selfie attendance?
As an admin, how can I edit an existing attendance policy to include selfie attendance?

In this article, we will go through the steps on how an admin may update an existing policy to enable selfie attendance for employees.

Gaurav Prasad avatar
Written by Gaurav Prasad
Updated over a week ago

In this article, we will go through the steps on how an admin may easily include selfie attendance in an existing attendance policy for employees.

If you wish to know how to create an attendance policy and include selfie attendance please refer to this article.

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to edit an existing attendance policy to include selfie attendance.

Step 1: Go to the policy section of the Attendance tab.

Step 2: Edit the policy and include selfie attendance.

Step 1: Go to the policy section of the Attendance tab.

  • Click on the Attendance dropdown in the left navigation bar -> Click on Policies.

  • Click on the View/Edit button for the policy which you wish to edit.

Step 2: Edit the policy and include selfie attendance.

  • Click on the Edit Policy button.

  • A pop-up will appear. Scroll to the bottom of the box and enable the selfie attendance button.

  • Click on the Update button.

  • After your employees have marked selfie attendance, the admin would be able to go to Attendance -> Clock view and in each clock-in/out entry the selfie that was clicked would be visible. You may refer to our article regarding the same.

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