What is custom payroll cycle?
You have the flexibility of having any payroll cycle or payroll period in your payroll (not just 1st to last day of the month). This means that in case you wanted to select new joiners who joined only before a cutoff date (e.g. 20th of a month) then you may now do so.
How to set this for my company?
Please contact our team to enable this feature. You will need to provide the 1st payroll run date in your company e.g. 21st March 2023 to 20th Apr 2023.
How does it work?
Once this is done, when you run the payroll, the payroll dates will display the specific cycle you have set. For example, if the payrun period is set to 21st to 20th, then for Nov 2023, the payroll period displayed will be as per following.
Then once you run the payroll, it will pick up only the new joiners who joined after 21st but till 20th of November. Any new joiner who joined after 20th November will not get considered in Novemeber payroll but will get considered in December payroll
Similarly the monthly salary preview and the termination payrolls will also consider the new custom payroll dates